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How to cancel your HeyFood PRO subscription
This article explains the process of cancelling a subscription to HeyFood PRO.
iOS (iPhone / iPad)
To manage subscriptions, open the App Store and then tap the profile icon (top right). Then select “Manage Subscriptions”. From here you’ll be able to swap to a different plan or cancel your subscription.
If you have time remaining on your plan you’ll still be able to use HeyFood PRO features until the expiry date.
Open the Google Play Store app. Go to Menu > My Apps > Subscriptions. From here you can select HeyFood and then cancel your subscription.
If you have time remaining on your plan you’ll still be able to use HeyFood PRO features until the expiry date.
Mobile Web or Desktop
To cancel your subscription if using our web app, please contact us here and we’ll be happy to assist you.